I give thanks for all that you do. Despite the enemy staring me in the face trying to cause me to panic with anxiety, I give thanks. I choose to give thanks. I give thanks because every breath is a gift. You grant us life and you can take it away at any nanosecond. You intricately made us.
I give thanks for those you have put in my life. For the blessings you have bestowed upon me such as my job, the ability to live in a house, my health, the food I eat daily, money to make needed purchases for my family, my education, the opportunities you have given me Father, the various travels that have ingrained in me lifelong memories, and most importantly your love. Your love captures all that we need and is satisfying. Thank you for our existence. Living in a life that we barely understand nor can comprehend, what I do know is you love us and have a purpose for each of us. Let us not forget to be thankful, for you are our God, our maker, in whom we should be honored to be a part of your family. Thank you, Lord, for giving your life for me, forgiving my sins, and calling me yours. May I never forget the price you paid for us at Calvary. While I continually grapple with the fairness of being a descendant of sinful Adam and Eve, I know within my heart that there was no other choice to give them free will. You knew what they would choose, rebellion against you, but you allowed it and had an intimate fix with your persona in Jesus coming to earth, living a sinless life, ministering, dying, resurrecting, and ascending back to heaven. You are the ultimate storyteller, our Redeemer, our God.
Thank you for the animals you have created who give me comfort, sleep with me, whom I can call companions. Though they may seem simple, the small things can become significant in life. Thank you for my children who fill me with happiness, responsibility, and love. May I be a godly parent and positive influence in their life who aids in them drawing closer to you. I love you, Lord, please let me stay obedient. Thank you for giving me life.