Piles stack all around, some more dirty than others. Through the course of time, choices are limited on what to attire in. Improvisation becomes necessary to make do with the condition. Priorities are set over the measly task of rinse, soap, and dry. Slothfulness may attribute to the lifestyle, but that should not be mentioned. Articles are reworn with efficiency being the rationalization. Before long wrinkles become justifiable, then undergarments are even worn inside out. “Are those the same pants you wore yesterday,” the colleague asks? Before long, what once became noticeable becomes ordinary. The pile surmounts and even travels to the vehicle. The backseat and front seat are additional hosts to filth. Rest assured there will be an intended time to clean. There is even a heap conveniently next to the washer and dryer; now that is initiative see. Weeks go by though and it only builds with no purification.
Something starts that is not clean. The something cannot be described in detail for it could be a travesty if it were exposed. Really, it is not so dramatic there are only slight blemishes. Besides, with the price of a little wear, the freedom of enjoyment is worth the stain. The dirt creeps into the identity. Yes, it may be noticeable, but it will be addressed in due time. These issues can be self-managed. What is once blemishes become wounds on the actor and affects others. There is a heap of filth that needs purification, yet often the compromising rationalizer becomes too blind. Irrespectively the humble acknowledge the stains, but even more so see they need help. They cannot do it alone. Ironically, all roll the dice in secret thinking proudly or in shame, “If only one knew.” Some surrender to a new authority that exposes the grime. With two loving arms, He picks up the clothes and puts them in the wash. Without any recollection of the filth that held one in bondage for months and years, the cleanliness is freely granted. The clothes are as good as new. Yes, the laundry needs to be done, but it calls for help.