Time is on our side.  Keep casting uncertainty on his life.  Place him in situations that continue to make him doubt his future.  Do everything within your will to make his life volatile.  The more we can try to negatively affect his finances, his career, his family, and feeling rejected, the more he will feel further away from the other.  You see your job is to make his life hell on earth unless he concedes. If he surrenders to us, we can grant him temporary false comfort in this life. Then we can ravage him for eternity. He could gain the world here if he only agreed with us. Give him no mercy to force him to comply.

Oh how sweet victory will be if he betrays his maker. He doesn’t need him.  Let him see how worthless he is even when he supposedly has Him as his helper.  Feed him with lies and eventually he will come to believe them.  Give him false hopes and infiltrate his thoughts with other idols that provide false contentment.  Then crash those anticipations with denial of privilege.  The longer we can have him sit in a daze, feeling numb, motionless, and outside of his purpose, the more lost we can get him to be.  Distort his purpose with the reality of his current circumstances.  There is no escape for him as it only worsens.  Break him to keep him.  Offer him niceties to deaden the pain.  A little pleasure to hook him into guilt and bondage is the idea.  We don’t want him free.  Keep him broken and chained.

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